Saturday, June 18, 2011

latex stuff about the equal sign

X = ^d Y
This is not a good way to display equal in distribution.

Here is one hack (gotta be a better way). the b here says to put the equal sign on the bottom

3 \begin{array}[b]{c}\alpha\\[-2ex]= \end{array} 5
%b for bottom in \begin{array}[b] to mean the equal sign goes below
% could put it in \be \ee instead of the two dollar signs

1 comment:

  1. One way to turn this into a command

    \newcommand{\xe}[1]{\mathop{ \begin{array}[b]{c}#1\\[-2ex]= \end{array} }}

    here is a good use of it
    \xe{ \text{\small d} }


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