An example where you need to present the table in landscape for it to fit
\begin{sidewaystable} \centering \begin{tabular}{|llllllllp{1in}lp{1in}|} \hline Context &Length &Breadth/ &Depth &Profile &Pottery &Flint &Animal &Stone &Other &C14 Dates \\ & &Diameter & & & & & Bones&&&\\ \hline &&&&&&&&&&\\ \multicolumn{10}{|l}{\bf Grooved Ware}&\\ 784 &--- &0.90m &0.18m &Sloping U &P1 &$\times$46 & $\times$8 &&$\times$2 bone& 2150$\pm$ 100 BC\\ 785 &--- &1.00m &0.12 &Sloping U &P2--4 &$\times$23 & $\times$21 & Hammerstone &---&---\\ 962 &--- &1.37m &0.20m &Sloping U &P5--6 &$\times$48 & $\times$57* & ---& ---&1990 $\pm$ 80 BC (Layer 4) 1870 $\pm$90 BC (Layer 1)\\ 983 &0.83m &0.73m &0.25m &Stepped U &--- &$\times$18 & $\times$8 & ---& Fired clay&---\\ &&&&&&&&&&\\ \multicolumn{10}{|l}{\bf Beaker}&\\ 552 &--- &0.68m &0.12m &Saucer &P7--14 &--- & --- & --- &--- &---\\ 790 &--- &0.60m &0.25m &U &P15 &$\times$12 & --- & Quartzite-lump&--- &---\\ 794 &2.89m &0.75m &0.25m &Irreg. &P16 $\times$3 & --- & --- &--- &---\\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[Grooved Ware and Beaker Features, their Finds and Radiocarbon Dates]{Grooved Ware and Beaker Features, their Finds and Radiocarbon Dates; For a breakdown of the Pottery Assemblages see Tables I and III; for the Flints see Tables II and IV; for the Animal Bones see Table V.}\label{rotfloat2} \end{sidewaystable}
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